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Personalization in Action: How RealVNC Increased Revenue by 10% and CTR by 94% with Lift AI

By Lise Reddick, VP Product at Lift AI

New: Parts of this case study are discussed with Justin from RealVNC in our “How I Met Your Buyer” Podcast, out now!

Executive Summary

  • RealVNC aimed to enhance conversion rates by personalizing the website experience for high-intent visitors and optimizing lead generation.
  • However, existing targeting tactics were not driving optimal results due to the high volume of diverse traffic
  • RealVNC integrated Lift AI’s real-time behavioral buyer intent scores into their VWO, Unbounce, and other tactics to solve for this challenge, resulting in a massive impact in the first 60 days:
  • 10% increase in self-serve customer revenue and 5% increase in sales-assisted pipeline creation through personalized VWO content delivery based on Lift AI high-intent scores.
  • 94% boost in CTR from Unbounce pop-ups targeting Lift AI-identified high-intent visitors.
  • Their expanded strategy includes real-time engagement with HubSpot Chat, prioritized follow-ups using HubSpot and Outreach, and remarketing via Google Display Network  

Challenge: Optimizing Conversion Rates for a High Volume, Diverse Audience

RealVNC, a leading provider of remote access software, operates a global website that caters to a diverse audience. With both self-serve buyers and enterprise prospects navigating different journeys, RealVNC faced significant challenges in optimizing the on-page experience for each visitor type. 

Their existing conversion rate optimization (CRO) efforts were hindered by:

  • Noisy traffic: A large volume of non-buyers, such as support-seekers and existing customers, made it difficult to identify and prioritize genuine prospects.
  • One-size-fits-all approach: Personalizing content based on generic data points like location, page, or referral source was ineffective in capturing true buyer intent.

To achieve their conversion goals, RealVNC needed a solution that could dynamically influence the on-page experience based on each visitor’s true buying intent at that moment, leading to higher engagement and revenue.

Solution: Behavior-Based Personalization with Lift AI

RealVNC partnered with Lift AI to enhance their CRO strategy through real-time behavior-based buyer intent scoring. 

Lift AI analyzes each visitor's micro-behaviors as they navigate the website and assigns a Buyer Intent Score (0-100), which is continuously updated in real-time for each and every visitor. This score allows RealVNC to deliver a more personalized, intent-driven experience for visitors.

By integrating Lift AI with VWO (Visual Website Optimizer) and Unbounce, RealVNC could dynamically tailor content and offers based on the intent level of each visitor rather than limited criteria, significantly improving conversion rates.

  • VWO for content personalization: Using Lift AI’s intent scores, RealVNC delivered personalized experiences for visitors, tailoring calls to action depending on if the visitor is high, medium, or low intent.
  • Unbounce for targeted pop-ups: RealVNC deployed highly targeted Unbounce pop-ups, triggered by Lift AI’s intent scores, to engage visitors in real time with relevant offers and calls to action.  

Implementation: Content Personalization via VWO

RealVNC integrated Lift AI’s scoring system with VWO to personalize website content based on real-time intent data. 

The integration did not require any development tools, APIs, or installations. Instead, RealVNC could access Lift AI intent scores via “URL Parameters” which append the current visitor’s score to the end of each page URL, which can then be targeted within VWO based on those parameters.

This allowed for the customization of pages, content, and call to actions that adapt to visitor behaviors, significantly enhancing conversion rates and optimizing the user experience.

Each change can be run as a split or “A/B” test to determine if the change has a statistically significant impact on results.

For example, low intent visitors get an educational call to action to “Compare Options” that suits their top-of-funnel consideration phase:

While medium intent visitors get a “View Pricing” call to action that suits their evaluation phase:

And finally, high intent visitors get a conversion-oriented “Get Started” call to action that aligns with their greater likelihood to convert:

Results So Far:

RealVNC’s first pilot with VWO content personalization has already achieved strong results:

  • 10% increase in self-serve revenue through personalized content delivery based on Lift AI high-intent scores.
  • 5% increase in sales-assisted pipeline creation, as enterprise prospects were guided through relevant content and offers that matched their buying intent.

This is just one example of content personalization via VWO based on Lift AI intent score, however the opportunities are far greater - not just on call to actions but on page layout, page content, design elements, and more.

Implementation: CRO Pop-up Banners via Unbounce

Utilizing Lift AI’s behavioral analysis, RealVNC implemented targeted pop-up strategies using Unbounce. 

Again, the integration was as simple as targeting the URL Parameters as explained above. When a website visitor matched a URL Parameter containing “High Intent”, then the pop-up would trigger.  

This allowed for action-oriented messaging to display in front of high intent visitors, encouraging them to take the next step on a discounted offer. 

Because RealVNC were able to target this specific group of visitors, they did not fall into the trap of interrupting the user journey of non-buyers, which can otherwise interrupt and sabotage their experience as they educate themselves on the offering. 

Pop-ups were customized and triggered based on both intent score and other targetable criteria within Unbounce for the most targeted implementation possible.

Results So Far:

  • 94% increase in CTR on Unbounce pop-ups, as Lift AI’s intent-driven targeting ensured that only the most likely buyers were shown conversion-focused offers.

Expanding Beyond VWO and Unbounce

Building on the success of Lift AI with VWO and Unbounce, RealVNC expanded their strategy to include additional engagement and follow-up mechanisms. 

High-intent visitors identified by Lift AI were engaged in real-time using HubSpot Chat, allowing sales teams to initiate conversations while prospects were still on-site with a 71% increase in conversions. 

For visitors who left without converting, RealVNC prioritized outreach through HubSpot and Outreach, ensuring that accounts with the highest intent were followed up within minutes of them leaving the website for a 2.16x increase in sales team efficiency.. 

Additionally, Lift AI’s intent scores powered a targeted remarketing campaign through Google Display Network (GDN), keeping RealVNC top-of-mind for high intent visitors as they continued their buyer journey across the web with a 33% increase in click-through-rate and 67% decrease in cost per lead compared to total ad spend.  

Get Started

Are you ready to switch to an intent-led strategy? Request your free Proof of Concept to get started (for qualified accounts only).

See the full conversation with Justin Wagg from RealVNC

More success stories with Lift AI

Justin Wagg, VP Marketing at RealVNC expains how using Lift AI's behavioral website buyer intent data helped his sales team prioritize outreach to high intent accounts within minutes of them leaving the website.

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Justin Wagg, VP Marketing at RealVNC expains how using Lift AI's behavioral website buyer intent data helped his sales team prioritize outreach to high intent accounts within minutes of them leaving the website.

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“In the first 60 days, we doubled our conversion rates, while driving a 13% overall incremental increase in monthly revenue, by integrating Lift AI’s Buyer Intent Scores with our HubSpot Chat, Lead Scoring and other tactics”

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