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How RealVNC Doubled Results by Prioritizing Sales Follow-Up Based on Website Behavioral Intent Signals

By Lise Reddick, VP Product at Lift AI

New: Parts of this case study are discussed with Justin from RealVNC in our “How I Met Your Buyer” Podcast, out now!

Executive Summary:

  • By analyzing the behavior of website visitors in real-time, Lift AI can detect high intent buyers even if they are anonymous
  • Justin Wagg, VP of Marketing at RealVNC set up a remarketing list based on all high intent buyers on their website, no matter what page they were on. 
  • This resulted in a 67% decrease in cost per lead compared to total ad spend
  • And a 33% increase in click through rate on high intent banner ads 
  • Creating 200% more leads from the same remarketing budget compared to the previous period

Challenge: Low CTR Rates and ROI from Remarketing

RealVNC, a leading remote access software company, has a large volume of traffic to their website each month, however they have a big challenge— a large portion of that traffic aren’t potential customers.

Many of the visitors are existing customers who are using the platform or support-seekers who have been sent a link to RealVNC on the end user side.

Therefore, RealVNC has the challenge of distinguishing which visitors are likely buyers, and which are not. 

The same is true for their remarketing lists. Although they are able to create refined retargeting lists based on Google Analytics reports, it’s difficult to hone in on who the potential buyers are. 

For example, many companies like RealVNC create remarketing lists based on visitors who abandoned the pricing page. However, Lift AI predicts that only 5.7% of RealVNC’s traffic on the pricing page is high intent, meaning the majority of these pricing page visitors were non-buyers. 

This resulted in poor click-through-rates, conversion rates, and higher costs per lead, as most of the prospects being remarketed to didn’t have buying intent.

Solution: Retargeting Visitors Who Showed Buying Behavior

RealVNC leveraged Lift AI to transform their remarketing strategy by focusing on visitor behavior as the key to identifying high-intent buyers

Lift AI uses machine learning to analyze hundreds of micro-behaviors for each visitor on RealVNC’s website, such as actions, navigation patterns, and interaction depth, and action order, to assign a Buyer Intent Score to each visitor in real time.

With these intent scores, RealVNC was able to build remarketing lists based on visitors who had demonstrated clear buying signals across their entire website, rather than focusing on pricing page visitor or other traditional criteria such as demographics or interest-based targeting. 

This shift in focus allowed RealVNC to ensure that their Google Display Network ads were shown to those most likely to convert.

The Old Way:
🚫 Remarket to visitors of key pages like pricing, contact, cart, trial etc
🚫 Spend a lot of money and hope they are potential buyers

The New Way (with Lift AI):
✅ Identify high-intent visitors based on actual behavior, processed by AI
✅ Remarket to any high-intent visitor—no matter what page they visited

Implementation: Remarketing via Google Display Network

As Google’s Display Network can be connected to Google Analytics, RealVNC was able to implement retargeting banner ads based on Lift AI scores that are automatically captured in a “High Intent” report/list inside of Google Analytics. 

That meant there was no additional implementation or integration required outside of installing Lift AI on their website. 

This allowed RealVNC to re-engage visitors who showed high purchase intent but did not immediately convert, helping them win back missed opportunities

It also enabled RealVNC to optimize their campaign spend, ensuring their ads are being shown to prospects with the highest chance of converting rather than casting a wider net that will impact conversions, spend, and campaign performance. 

Example shown is a LinkedIn remarketing ad for representation (Google Display Network creates display ads dynamically) 

Results So Far:

  • A significant 67% decrease in cost per lead compared to total ad spend
  • 33% increase in click through rate on high intent banner ads 
  • Creating 2x more leads from the same remarketing budget compared to the previous period

Expanding Beyond Remarketing

While Lift AI’s behavior-driven intent scoring has transformed RealVNC’s remarketing strategy, the impact doesn’t stop there. 

There is an opportunity for RealVNC to set up remarketing lists specifically for medium and low intent visitors where the remarketing ad aims to nurture or educate rather than convert.

 RealVNC is also applying Lift AI’s insights across multiple other channels to drive sales and marketing effectiveness.

  • Personalized On-Page Experiences: Using VWO, RealVNC tailors content to high-intent visitors in real time, resulting in a 10% increase in self-serve revenue and a 5% boost in pipeline creation for sales-assisted accounts.
  • Personalized On-Page Experiences: Using Unbounce, RealVNC for pop-ups to high-intent visitors in real time, resulting in a 94% increase in CTR. 
  • Conversational Marketing with HubSpot: RealVNC engages high-intent visitors directly via HubSpot chat, creating personalized conversational experiences that capture leads when they are most ready to buy with a 71% increase conversion to sale.
  • Outbound Sales Efficiency: By integrating Lift AI with HubSpot and Outreach, RealVNC prioritizes follow-up on high-intent visitors who leave the website, enabling sales teams to focus on the most promising accounts with a 2.16x increase in sales efficiency

Get Started

Are you ready to switch to an intent-led strategy? Request your free Proof of Concept to get started (for qualified accounts only).

See the full conversation with Justin Wagg from RealVNC

More success stories with Lift AI

Justin Wagg, VP Marketing at RealVNC expains how using Lift AI's behavioral website buyer intent data helped his sales team prioritize outreach to high intent accounts within minutes of them leaving the website.

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Justin Wagg, VP Marketing at RealVNC expains how using Lift AI's behavioral website buyer intent data helped his sales team prioritize outreach to high intent accounts within minutes of them leaving the website.

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“In the first 60 days, we doubled our conversion rates, while driving a 13% overall incremental increase in monthly revenue, by integrating Lift AI’s Buyer Intent Scores with our HubSpot Chat, Lead Scoring and other tactics”

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