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Add Buyer Intent Scores to

Trigger outbound plays within minutes of a website visit based on real-time website buyer intent data.

Sales funnel split in half, with anonymous and identified visitors falling through it


Lift AI is a Website Buyer Intent technology that scores the micro behaviors of website visitors in real-time to predict their likelihood to buy or become an opportunity. 

Unlike other Buyer Intent tools, Lift AI’s machine learning technology uses all of the 1st party data available on your website to predict intent, rather than relying on less accurate, less complete, slower moving, and sparse 3rd party data.

When sales teams have a high volume of leads, they can’t possibly follow-up on every account-matched visitor that comes to the website and has sparse intent data. Instead, they use Lift AI to find high intent leads and prioritize engagement if they’re a good ICP fit.

Lift AI customer results show that sales teams can increase sales efficiency by 11.6x and boost conversation to pipeline rates by 9x.

Sales funnel split in half, with anonymous and identified visitors falling through it


Lift AI is a Website Buyer Intent technology that scores the micro behaviors of website visitors in real-time to predict their likelihood to buy or become an opportunity. 

Unlike other Buyer Intent tools, Lift AI’s machine learning technology uses all of the 1st party data available on your website to predict intent, rather than relying on less accurate, less complete, slower moving, and sparse 3rd party data.

When sales teams have a high volume of leads, they can’t possibly follow-up on every account-matched visitor that comes to the website and has sparse intent data. Instead, they use Lift AI to find high intent leads and prioritize engagement if they’re a good ICP fit.

Lift AI customer results show that sales teams can increase sales efficiency by 11.6x and boost conversation to pipeline rates by 9x.


Lift AI’s Website Buyer Intent Scores integrate seamlessly with Salesloft when there’s an account match to help in 3 key areas:

  1. Prioritize sales team outreach for high intent accounts within minutes of them leaving the website, while the opportunity is hot. 
  2. Personalize outreach and messaging for each account based on the most up-to-date Lift AI intent score.
  3. Gain real-time insights into account intent that’s constantly updating, helping sales teams maximize their time throughout the day. 

In addition, utilizing the Lift AI score on all of your hand raisers allows you to prioritize your follow-up sequences for all inbound leads - making sure you’re focused on those inbound leads that were showing the highest intent signals when they first raised their hand, or those who become high intent later on in their engagement with your websiteThis integration also allows for immediate engagement of high-intent visitors on your website using Drift, while the visitor is more likely to convert during their buying moment.

Sales funnel split in half, with anonymous and identified visitors falling through it
Sales funnel split in half, with anonymous and identified visitors falling through it

Getting Started:

  1. Installing the Lift AI script on your website.
  2. Configuring the API integration with Salesloft for real-time data synchronization. Under the Integration tab in Salesloft the User will click enable on our Integration to be redirected to the Landing page Lift AI Website Buyer Intent.   to sign in or sign up to our Portal.  There are Connect Account button or click here that will direct to Sign up | Lift AI (  
  3. Expect to see enriched account interactions and prioritization within minutes of setup.

Why Lift AI +


Make the Perfect Pair

Number 1 winner icon

Find & Convert Hidden Buyers, Right Now

Score the buyer intent of every website visitor based solely on their real-time behavior - even if they’re 100% anonymous - and connect them to your tools for conversion.
Website with checkmark icon

Extract the full potential of your website

Your website should be your best revenue channel, and anonymous visitors with high buyer intent are your best opportunities to create new revenue right now.
Money with nodes icon

Optimize sales team performance & efficiency

Feed your sales team with high intent leads that are primed to convert right now on your website, rather than wasting time engaging or chasing those that won’t.
Person with revolving arrows icon

Personalize every customer experience

Not every visitor is the same. Align their experience to their specific intent. Roll out the red carpet for high intent visitors while automating or nurturing the rest.

“Personalization is at the heart of a great B2B sales experience and it’s most difficult when making a first impression with someone we haven’t met before. Lift AI helps our customers engage with buyers on their terms and powers the newest product in our platform, Drift Engage, with advanced AI capabilities."

Matt Tippets
SVP of Product at Drift

"24% of our Conversations in Drift are with completely anonymous visitors that are scored High or Mid Intent by Lift AI. The effectiveness of Lift AI’s intent scoring is evident in the fact that those visitors represent 56% of our Drift Influenced Opportunities and they convert to Opportunity 4x more efficiently"

Jennifer Boudreau
Sr. Director, Revenue Operations at Intelex

Featured Case Studies

We stand by our numbers with confidence - our fees can be made contingent on delivering our promises.
Laptop showing Lift AI dashboard screenshot

Turn hidden buyers into revenue with Lift AI +


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On average, Lift AI users convert 9x more